If your job role is to manage or decide on a large commercial or industrial facility, you might think about buying a transformer.
Low-voltage transformer manufacturers think transformer ownership is worth considering since it reduces the service voltage rate. When there is a reduction in service voltage rate, this may affect and reduce your demand charge every month.
The transformer installed behind your building is crucial to ensuring that electricity is properly converted to the desired service voltage for routine operations.
Usually, the utility has its transformer as it is needed for the last leg of the trip to transmit electrical power to the business tower. This makes the service voltage secondary, low voltage, and transformer side. To recover the transformer cost, the utility charges you an extra tariff.
The next best option you can have is your transformer, through which you can move your service voltage to the primary, side, and high voltage and save money. You can get a transformer by partnering with a third party or directly buying a new transformer from Power Transformers Manufacturers India.
Who should consider buying a transformer?
If your electricity consumption is more and the transformer ownership option makes everything worthwhile, you can think about owning a transformer. There are some key points that you can consider for research costs of transformer ownership-
#1. Dedicated transformer feed
If your business presently has a dedicated transformer power supply to your facility, you require a transformer for operation. If your facility lacks a dedicated transformer, and you can install a new transformer, you should. However, this will impact your upfront capital investment.
#2. Long term business plan
If you have a long-term plan for your business and are not going anywhere else from the current location, you must get a transformer. The value of owning and using your transformer grows with time. Almost every transformer (if operated in the right way) is intended to have a long life of 25 years or more. You need to operate them in the right weather or environmental conditions.
#3. Sufficient distribution tariff
Your distribution charge relies on the required rate as determined by the local utility. If you want owning a transformer should be a cost-effective decision, your local utility tariff should be able to provide enough difference between the demand rates per service voltage.
#4. Excess usage of transformer
Transformer usage is the transformer capacity percentage you use for your utility. If the rate is 50%, your peak load measures 50% of the transformer’s rated capacity. This shows that the transformer you have is oversized for your present operations. However, there is no problem in having an oversized transformer if you plan for more loads in the future.
So, owning a transformer is a beneficial decision as you save costs for business. And more saved costs mean more profit. You can always approach high and low voltage transformers manufacturers by providing third-party options or selling their units to industrial clients.