Benefits, Types, and Industrial applications of GRP Cable Trays
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Benefits, Types, and Industrial applications of GRP Cable Trays

GRP or Glass-fibre Reinforced Polymer or Glass Reinforced Plastic is a mixture of augmented or polymer substances reinforced with glass fiber. The GRP is also termed as

Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) and Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP). Now the critical question that arises is what is known as a cable tray? A cable tray is nothing but a type of ladder-pipe system used in companies to carry cable and wires safe inside it. The cable trays that are constructed of GRP substances are known as the GRP cable trays.

The GRP cable tray system is always designated s a GRP cable support system. The cable trays are manufactured from aluminum and iron in previous times. After establishing GRP material, these aluminum and iron trays were substituted by cable trays (GRP) due to numerous advantages over them.

Advantages of GRP cable trays:

Good electricity coverage: Being the plastic constituents, the GRP cable trays does not carry electricity from the inner wires to the outside wall. It prevents any action of shock or electrical accident from happening. And in the case of aluminum and iron trays, the condition is not the same.

  • Robust strength:

The sGRP cables possess a robust body strength and can withstand a considerably high force on them.

  • U.V. resistant capacity:

The GRP trays have a high resistive capacity to U.V. ultraviolet rays. No doubt they find application in laboratories or industries where U.V is being used.

  • Anti-erosive:

The GRP trays are non-erosive and irrespective of their environment. At the same time, both the aluminum and iron cable trays are erosive. The aluminum trays form white, greyish patina or film, and iron trays form a rusty layer due to erosion with humidity and gases around them

  • No need for earthing:

Since the GRP trays are typically a kind of plastic substance, they do not channel any electricity, which means they do not require earthing. In contrast, aluminum and iron cable trays need earthing due to their high electrical conductivity.

  • Lesser thermal conductivity:

When compared to the aluminum and iron cable trays, GRP also possesses low thermal conductivity. It makes them fire retardant and minimizes any fire incidents’ chances, making them more reliable.

  • Non-toxic:

GRP cable trays are non-toxic, and there is zero chance that they will give rise to any harmful situation

  • Safe and easy to install:

The GRP trays are so effortless and light in weight that they are easy to handle and install. The main reason why the installation is made more manageable is that the GRP trays already have holes, making them considerably more manageable.

Types of GRP cable trays:

GRP cable trays can come in various forms and sizes. Each shape of cable trays have their benefits and choosing particular shape defines some specific reason. Some may work precisely with certain types of cables, while some may work well in particular environments.

  • Ventilated trough tray:

When compared to the closed trays, it gives comparatively more access. At the bottom, it is open through which the cables can be taken out or inserted. The opening part endures for water to drain and air circulation. And at the top, the trays are closed because the dust is falling inside or closure stops objects.

  • Wire mesh cable trays:

In GRP cable trays, the wire mesh cable trays provide one of the excellent open structures. The trays are structured like wire mesh which endures the maximum airflow from all directions. It helps in keeping the cable in perfect condition. It is an ultimate choice for cables that are prone to overheating. Wire mesh cable trays are used in low voltage fiber-optic applications and telecommunication cable networks.

  • Solid bottom tray:

These kinds of trays possess a solid bottom. The tray entirely encloses the cables in all directions. So undoubtedly, it is an ideal choice for protecting the cables from erosions or terrible weather conditions. It includes wind, rain, or intense sun. Environments like marine structures or chemical factories are also highly erosive. The closed bottom will shield the cables from harsh weather conditions, chemicals, saltwater, or other erosions.

  • Ladder cable trays:

This cable is in the form of a ladder-like structure. It has crossbars placed at regular intervals, usually at a distance of nine inches from each other. The crossbars are build to support the cable. The ladder’s rungs offer an anchor for the cables. The ladder structure defines that the tray as a conveniently open structure. It endures for the maximum possible air circulation. It makes it ideal for cables that are disposed to overheating.

Therefore, the open also defines that the cables inside are exhibit to weather conditions. To reduce the effects of any erosion, some of the GRP ladder cable trays come with one difference. Some of the cables come with a cover, and it can be taken off, offering us easy access but covering the cable simultaneously. The cover could be on both sides or one of the sides.

  • Single rail cable tray:

The single rail cable tray is the same as the ladder tray, excluding that the vertical bar moves through the center of the rungs. The bar offers an anchor to the cables, while the steadily placed horizontal trays provide an open structure. This kind of cable trays is ideal for the one who is excessively disposed to overheat or in a situation where we seek quick access to the cables. It is obvious merit is that the open structure trays also make the cable susceptible to environmental erosion.

  • Trough cable tray:

This kind of cable tray is preferred for usage when there are multiple cables. The trough cable trays offer a deep basin for the cables where more than the typical cables can be clumped together. This assembling works excellently with cables that are not disposed to heat.


The above-discussed information about the GRP cable trays would help the industries make an ideal choice based on their requirements. It exclusively offers many advantages and types. The cable trays are made up of both aluminum and iron. Also, in the chemical industry, these cable trays (GRP) are highly resistive to acids.


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